Experts in road construction
BRRC is the centre of expertise par excellence in road construction. We conduct research, carry out tests, organize training courses, share knowledge through conferences and publications, and collect and disseminate documentation on road construction.

BRRC monitors the quality of earthworks and (sub)base layers and pays special attention to soil treatment, recycling, and reuse of materials.
Asphalt Roads
BRRC studies asphalt roads and other bituminous applications, from mix design to recycling.
Concrete Roads
BRRC develops knowledge on concrete roads, such as freeze-thaw resistance, evenness, stabilization of concrete slabs by controlled vibrations, etc.
Innovative jointing materials, performance requirements for materials, the purifying effect of permeable paving are just a few of the many topics that have been studied in the area of paving.
Water & Roads
BRRC collects know-how on rainwater and wastewater disposal and on the protection of pavements against water infiltration, on sewers, and on above ground and underground infiltration systems.
BRRC studies sustainable and intelligent mobility and the economics of transport, both in the transport and delivery of goods and in the transport of people and active modes of transport.
Traffic & safety
Focus on the protection of road users and road workers. How does road layout contribute to safety?
Road Management
All about research, analysis, monitoring, inspection, and management of road assets.
Nor are we losing sight of the environmental aspects. Examples include material recycling, quieter road surfaces, and weed management.
What do you find in our publications? Recommendations based on experience, research results, descriptions of measurement methods, and an overview of specific problems.
BRRC is a reference laboratory for asphalt, concrete, and geotechnical testing. We also have equipment, often in-house developed, for road monitoring, traffic census and analysis, and noise measurements.
The Standards Cell provides useful information on standardization and certification to SMEs in road construction.
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BRRC Standards Support Office
Equipment & Software
For more information on our areas of expertise, check out our website in French and Dutch or contact us.