Influence of hydrophobic impregnation products on the resistance to scaling of road concretes
Results of the GELAVIA project
The pre-normative GELAVIA research project, conducted in collaboration with CRIC-OCCN and BBRI, was mainly dedicated to the study of the resistance to scaling of road concretes. In Belgium, a test (≪ISO/DIS≫) existed for a long time to evaluate this resistance, but for a few years now, this resistance can be evaluated by the so-called ≪Slab Test≫ according to the specification CEN/TS 12390-9. In the Bulletin CRR 116, we detailed the first results of the part of the research devoted to the evaluation of the new criteria to be applied for the different traffic classes applied in the Belgian standard tender specifications.
In addition, hydrophobic impregnation products are also used in Belgium to increase the resistance to scaling in certain cases, such as manual execution, coloured concrete and/or pattern-imprinted concrete. These products are prescribed in accordance with the guidelines of NBN EN 1504-2. However, the reference concrete compositions used to test the products are very different from the typical road concrete used in Belgium. In addition, the durability over time of the protection offered by the impregnation is also questioned. A second objective of the above-mentioned research was therefore to study and develop test methods for the evaluation of the effectiveness and durability of hydrophobic impregnation products when applied to representative road concrete compositions.
In Bulletin CRR 123, we present the main results of the GELAVIA project, in particular the results concerning hydrophobic impregnation products.