Standardisation – Certification – Regulation
Road equipment and materials

A recent market study by the VUB shows the positive impact of standards on our economy.
Role of BRRC
For many years now, BRRC has been contributing to new technical specifications and certification (issued by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). How? By participating in Belgian mirror groups, European working groups, and international comparative prenormative research. BRRC often takes the initiative in these consultation structures.
As an accredited sector operator for the technical committees
- CEN/TC226 Road Equipment
- CEN/TC227 Road Materials
- CEN/TC396 Earthworks (together with BBRI)
BRRC is responsible for the standardisation committees E226, E227 and E396. These committees act as the Belgian steering group for the European (or international) technical committees for which the sectoral operator is accredited. The members are kept informed of the progress of the European work. They can give feedback on the draft documents or participate directly in the European meetings.
Through our standards cell, we support road construction in all aspects related to standardisation. We do this with the support of the FPS Economy. Companies with questions about the application of standards, certification and regulations can contact the standards cell.