Our equipment
As a reference laboratory, BRRC has the necessary equipment to carry out the common tests and measurements in the sector. We can also provide information and training on this equipment and these tests. In addition, we often make available in Belgium and abroad (measuring) equipment and software (for the formulation of bituminous mixtures, the design of draining paving, etc.) that we have developed ourselves.
Since the 1950s, BRRC has been assessing road conditions, often using equipment designed at BRRC or in collaboration with other organisations. The monitoring of roads with a high-performance measuring device is a core competence that is inseparable from the activities of a road research centre. Many road characteristics can be deduced from a scan. This also provides objective information to assess the need for maintenance or structural intervention, as well as bearing capacity and service life residual. In this way, it contributes to the safety and comfort of road users.